Close Encounter in Belgium: Silver UFO Almost Collides with Plane (Video).

In what can only be described as a near collision with a flying saucer or “disc” and a plane in the sky, what is happening in our skies.

Flying discs are nothing new, as we have been filming UFOs like these since the beginning of Ufology.

I’ve been keeping an eye on this Flying Saucer video for a while now and have tried to find as much information as possible on this, and I know it hasn’t been debunked yet!

What’s new, though, is that this is a silver disc and it seems to have appeared out of nowhere?

As if it wasn’t even there.

This video is the only reason we know it really happened.


If it can accelerate like it does, is this next-level technology that we’re just not ready for?

There is a popular theory that the US government reverse-engineered flying saucers and reverse-engineered the technology of downed flying saucers.


Here are the extraordinary details about this unusual looking UFO sighting in the video description:

This was filmed by Eric Giavedoni and posted on the UfOvni2012 Youtube channel.

UfOvni2012 Youtube Channel

After thinking about it, this UFO sighting has really stood the test of time.

Here is the extraordinary video that was uploaded to Youtube by the UfOvni2012 channel:

If you have any thoughts or opinions on this, please share with us in the comments section below, regards.



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